Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday Night

It's Saturday night, and here I am. So I figured I'd Blog it up a bit.
Last night was my friend Samantha's going away party. She's moving to New York, lucky bitch. The party was actually really fun. It's always been awkward seeing people from high school...a lot of them have not changed one bit. I on the other hand got the hell out of town for 3 years. A lot of them have their judgements towards me due to my high school boyfriend and I 's break up. So FINALLY after 4 years they let it go. About damn time. He was there, with his new girlfriend and it wasn't strange at all. Funny, looking at him now I don't know what I ever saw attractive in him.-Haha.
Growing up is funny and shitty all at once. Im sick of being broke and crossing my fingers for a 2nd job. This economy has gone to the shitter. My industry has finally felt the blow. It's become far slower than its ever been. For that reason I am hunting for a 2nd job. I had an interview at Macaroni Grill yesterday, so I am just crossing my fingers now. I need to play the Lotto. Yep, that's what I should do. I was actually surprised I got a call back from Macaroni Grill...they had me take a test, 150 questions 45 of them were math and no calculator was allowed. So me being the mathematical wiz i am freaked out. I'm sorry why do I need to know what 6% of $248.63 thats what computers are for! Anywho...apparently Im not THAT stupid they called me back.
Hey....good news! I started my period today! I wasn't at all worried but due to my brothers situation I celebrate haha! Let the cramps begin. But hell, I'd rather feel that than labor pains. Im 22 I've got shit I want to do, a baby would scramble that all up. Dont worry, I'll marry first. And when I say marry I mean a REAL wedding not some court house crap like the other siblings are fond of doing. Oh family will be invited!
Ok sleepy time but I am leaving you with homework.
Music these songs and just listen.
Minus the Bear- Absinthe Party
Death Cab For Cutie- Transatlanticism, also Tiny Vessels
The Flaming Lips- Do you realize

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