Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday oh Monday..

"The way I see it" from my starbucks cup this afternoon:

"Childhood is a strange country. It’s a place you come from or go to – at least in your mind. For me it has an endless, spellbound something in it that feels remote. It’s like a little sealed-vault country of cake breath and grass stains where what you do instead of work is spin until you’re dizzy."
-- Lyall BushExecutive director of Richard Hugo House, a center for writers and readers

I went for a bike ride, not because I'm feeling blimpy but because im feeling nostalgic. Bike riding always made me feel free and giddy. Nothing in the world matters when the wind is blowing through your hair and your coasting down a hill on your bike...whether you're 22 or 12, it will always be nice. Its become my new form of exercise and stress release. Did 3 miles today, kicked my ass but lord knows my ass literally needs the kicking. Haha.

Music homework=
Paul Simon- Duncan


birdman said...

ahhh - cycling - after my own heart!! your mom knows about me and bikes (the tight shorts too)

I agree - riding a bike is freedom and sooo stress relieving.. good call on the ride

Wrider II said...

I'm hoping riding my bike will bring that freedom feeling back to me. I sort of get there at times when I ride Dolly or when I'm driving in the Jeep with the top off and the doors gone. Great blog. =)