It is in fact almost 3 a.m. and I am wide awake. I had really bad lower back pain all night so I took a vicodin in hopes of getting rid of it or atleast covering up whatever problem it is. Cross your fingers that its not a kidney stone. Needless to say, I am WIRED. Thanks vicodin.
Labor day weekend:
Pardon my french, but, WHAT THE FUCK.
My older but not wiser brother Steve brought his girlfriend out for us all to meet. I was excited about it-a little. I joined them for dinner with my birth mother on thursday, upon meeting her she seemed reserved yet sweet. After casual conversation she came across as a little something just isnt right. She has a 'tude. I am alsmot always a good judge of character. Upon meeting someone new I can usually tell if that person means well, has a good heart, has a good attitude. But with her, it just wasnt all there. I am sure its intimidating meeting your new bf's fam, but hey, we are the nicest most laid back family out there. We really just had nothing to talk about and I found her boring. We are the same age but she and I are nothing alike. Anyways, they are expecting a baby in April. They met through Myspace have been dating for roughly 3 months and are expecting a baby. God help us all. I am not mad at my brother, I am disappointed-which to me is worse. I feel like I am beating a dead horse in my head...I am done "talking trash" and am more focused on the unborn child. What is this kid in for? A daddy visit everyother weekend? A mommy and daddy that got married because mommy got knocked up and had no medical insurance so daddy had no choice? Ugh. The word adoption has crossed my mind, but at the same point, that baby has Baer blood running through it. And if you are "responsible" enough to have sex, then you should be "responsible" enough to take what comes with that. I am not saying that my life would have ran smoother with a constant mom and dad figure, i am SO happy with how my family turned out. But I do feel a constant mother and father figure is important. But as long as the baby is loved, thats all that really matters. I turned out just fine, I cant vouche for my brother, but I am perfectly fine with the choices my parents made. My parents realized what worked and what didnt. Not one second did I feel unloved. Im rambling and I appologize, like i said, its 3 freaking a.m.
Im going to make a list of what drives me nuts (inspired by mi madre):
91 freeway always being a parking lot
RNC and the DNC
Reality TV
Guys wearing pants 3 sizes too small
Girls having no respect for themselves
One word- recession
Tramp stamps
Herpes commercials
Sucky tippers
My cell phone turning off when ever it wants
People that dont understand english
Drivers that dont use their turn signals
My room constantly being hotter than satins living room