Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My happy place

Parker and I worked our so called issues out and have been doing really great lately. We've been pretty busy lately. Went to a wedding reception almost 2 weeks ago and I think it was just what we needed-a nice time out on the town. We danced to our first song at the reception, Wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton. LOVED it. So for now I am extremely happy with us and how we are lately. We made it to the 6 month mark which is HUGE for me. Haha.

The only upset is that he told me a few days ago that in May he may leave for a good 6-9 months. He's weighing out a couple of options. One, he will go be a rafting guide up north for the summer then head to Thailand with Anthony for another 3 months. Two, he joins a yacht crew and travels around as a deck hand for several months.

Where does this leave me you ask? Good question. I told him that I'd be upset if he up and took off on a 6 month vacation and expect me to just sit here waiting for him. He said that he wanted to tell me now to see how committed I am. How committed is he if he is willing to just up and leave me because he wants to go galavant around the country side? Ugh. I told him that as long as he can see himself with me long term then we can handle it. So for now, we play it by ear. We are what we are and we'll see where we are at come May if he decides to leave. He is my happy place.

1 comment:

Wrider II said...

Uhm, so post again already.